Grab Yer Ankles, America...

... this isn't going to come with a reacharound. (Bolds mine)

Gas prices push up wholesale inflation

WASHINGTON - A big jump in gasoline prices pushed inflation at the wholesale level up in March at the fastest pace in three months, as oil prices above $70 a barrel sent consumers a high-octane warning of expensive fuel costs ahead.

The Labor Department reported that wholesale prices rose by 0.5 percent in March following a 1.4 percent decline in February, which had been the largest drop in nearly three years.
A high-octane warning! Ha! That's so clever! Ha ha! Sob.

I heard about the barrel costs this morning on the way to work, just before stopping to fill up the Spudmobile. It was the most I've ever paid at the pump.
President Bush lamented the high fuel prices and said he attributes it to increasing demand and also concerns about perceptions of possible disruptions in supplies.
But your current prick-waving at Iran has nothing to do with it.

But, Bush added, "I'm also mindful that government has a responsibility to watch very carefully and to investigate any price gouging, and we'll do that."
Gee, I feel so safe now.

(It's all just a little bit of cross-posts repeating...)

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