This is So Wrong

No no no no no:

John Travolta and Queen Latifah have been confirmed to star in the big-screen version of Hairspray to be directed by Adam Shankman (Bringing Down the House). Travolta will play the role made famous by Divine as Edna Turnblad. Latifah will play Motormouth Mabel. A current nationwide search is on for the lead role of Tracy Turnblad made famous by Ricki Lake. Production begins this Fall with a 2007 release. [New Line Cinema]
I’m fairly certain that the casting of the doofusy John Travolta as the glorious Edna Turnblad is one of the signs of the apocalypse. I know he can sing and dance, but that's not the point! I'm pouting.

The only thing that will make me feel better at the moment is a message from John Waters.

(iFilm seems buggered right now. It'll play if and when they get themselves sorted out. Meh.)

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