Question of the Day

Suggested by Comandante Agi: “I was listening to the album Simple Things by Zero 7. I heard someone refer to this album as the "greatest album to have sex to of all time". So the question goes... What is your favorite album to set the mood (i.e. get it on)? I know you can phrase the question better than I can (make it less dirty sounding).”

I could, but why would I want to?

There are lots of albums that put me in the mood—Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get It On is an obvious choice, but it has its reputation for a reason; Thelonious Monk’s Monk’s Blues; David Bowie’s Low; and I could go on and on. Probably my number one choice would be Suede’s debut album, Suede, which features one of my favorite put-me-in-the-mood songs, “Moving,” and also has as its cover a rather sexy make-out picture. (Women who own copies of Our Bodies, Our Selves will surely recognize it; in the full shot, one of the women is sitting in a wheelchair.) Listening to the album also always evokes memories of a 1993 Suede show, which I spent pressed against the stage, longing for Brett Anderson, who kindly gave me special attention in return—dusting my head with flower petals, holding my hand while singing the chorus of Pantomime Horse, and kissing my palm then running it up his corduroyed inner thigh, to Mr. Furious’ endless chagrin and jealousy. (It’s only fair—Moz plays for his team!)

Hmm…I haven’t listened to that CD in ages. I just might have to dig it out this evening…

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