"Intelligent design" supporters fail again

If you smite South Carolina with a hurricane, Lord, I'll feel a whole lot better

This time so-called intelligent design gets the bum's rush in South Carolina, which pleases me greatly as it's (one) my home state and (two) redder than a spanked tomato. The attempt to sneak ID into schools through the backdoor of "evolution analysis" gets the rejection it deserves:

The state Board of Education on Wednesday rejected a state panel's proposal to change high school standards on evolution by calling on students to "critically analyze" the theory.

Science teachers had complained that although critical analysis is part of all science, the wording was really a backdoor attempt to force educators to teach religious-based alternatives. In a 10-6 vote, board members agreed.

The Education Oversight Committee, a school reform panel made up of lawmakers, teachers, parents and other community members, recommended the change last month. Panel member Senator Mike Fair, R-Greenville, has said it was intended to introduce students to challenges to evolutionary theory.

Education Superintendent Inez Tenenbaum, a Democrat, has called the effort "a ploy to confuse the issue of evolution so that ultimately evolution won't be taught."

Sweet - especially as this decision follows the recent rejection of creationism-in-a-cheap-suit in Dover, Pennsylvania. All that's left now is for Pat Robertson to wish divine ill will on the entire Palmetto State.

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