Dear Alderman: I loved your work in Batman and Robin!

My new alderman, Bill Waterhouse, has a page up at the new 24th Ward Regular Democratic Organization website.

I cheerfully voted for Waterhouse in the special election that displaced my previous disaster of a alderman, the reform-opposin', SLAPP-suitin', eminent-domainin', donkey-ridin' Tom Bauer. Time will reveal what kind of politician the neophyte Waterhouse will turn out to be, but one thing is apparent already - he has something of a sense of humor. This would explain the uncaptioned photo that accompanies his open letter to the constituents on his webpage: a picture of liberal icon and matinee idol George Clooney.

Starring George Clooney as Bill Waterhouse

You would not easily confuse Waterhouse for Clooney if you saw the two of them side by side. But it's all in good fun, eh? And now at least we have an idea of who the alderman would like to portray him in any future biographical film.

(Yeah, he gave us the old double-cross-post...)

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