
World’s Biggest Opportunity to Make a Ghastly Glutton of Oneself Burger:

Denny's Beer Barrel Pub, in Clearfield, Pennsylvania, already had the title with a 6lb burger. But owners thought a 15-pound burger would prove an even bigger attraction, reports the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Diners who can finish the £25 burger in under five hours win £200, a T-shirt and have their name posted on the pub's wall of fame. They also get the burger for free.

"Every restaurant needs a gimmick - ours is big burgers," said Dennis Liegey III, son of the restaurant's owner. Visitors come from as far away as Australia and California just to see the 6-pounders and try to eat them.

The new burger, dubbed the Beer Barrel Belly Buster, is as big around as the inside of a car tyre. It comes with a cup and half each of mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup, a head of lettuce, two onions, three tomatoes and 25 slices of cheese.

Even if there weren’t millions of starving people in the world, that picture would still make me want to puke.

This story reminds me of a Visa commercial in heavy rotation right now which features a guy chowing down on a burger that’s bigger than his head, and every time I see it, it makes me totally nauseous. Mr. Shakes, too. And neither of us are particularly healthy nor delicate eaters, but it’s just utterly disgusting.

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