Actual Headline

Birth Control Prevents God’s Work.

By using contraception, you prevent God’s creative power in bringing forth new life. Sex is a complete self-giving love you pledge to your spouse within marriage, and contraception destroys the unitive and procreative qualities of sex. Pleasure is not the purpose of sex — it’s the motive or consequence…

Self-control or temperance is a Christian virtue, and by practicing modern, effective methods of natural family planning by having periodic abstinence, you can postpone pregnancy if necessary in a healthy, inexpensive, fulfilling way as you embrace chastity appropriate for your stage in life.
You know what? We can just stop right at “Christian virtue.” Fantastic. Good for the Christians who agree with you. The rest of us, however, aren’t interested.

As an aside, it is just me, or is that thought of God being all-powerful except when it comes to birth control just hilarious? Is God like Superman, and condoms are his Kryptonite? He can move mountains, but he just can’t find a way to get around a thin latex barrier.

Drat! Foiled again! I’ll get you Trojan!

(Passed on by Blogenfreude.)

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