What? No Zell Miller?

I guess they didn't want Zell to crazy up the place.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Some women get flowers, others jewelry. This year, first lady Laura Bush got a formal dinner and an intimate concert by a well-known crooner from her valentine.

For the second year in a row, President Bush and his wife spent the lovers' holiday formally entertaining about 100 friends and associates at the White House.

Singer Michael Feinstein capped the romantic evening by serenading the crowd, which included new Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, actor Chuck Norris -- wearing black cowboy boots with his tux, of course -- singer Wayne Newton and Sens. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Joe Lieberman, D-Conn.

Joe slipped off his shoe under the table and had his foot in Bush's crotch all night long.

Update: Shaker Jeff comments: "So the first couple spend the evening celebrating love being serenaded by famous homosexual Michael Feinstein? Is there anything that doesn't belong in this picture?"


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