
Trigger takes full responsibility for shooting his friend in the face. Delightful.

And he describes it as “one of the worst days of my life.” Precious.

And he’ll “never ever be able to get out of [his] mind” the image of the poor old codger falling to the ground. Charming.

And he says it’s “not Harry’s fault,” that “You can't blame anybody else. I'm the guy who pulled the trigger and shot my friend." Enchanting.

It’s almost like Trigger is a real human boy!

Apparently, “Cheney was soft-spoken and somber during the interview with Fox's Brit Hume.” As opposed to what? His usual effervescent, gregarious self? He’s always a glum old fuck.

Trigger also claims that as soon as his friend, who he’d just shot, fell, he “ran over to him.” Yeah, right. Like those legs have seen any motion that could remotely be described as “running” since Trigger charged out of a draft office in the 60s.

I’m decidedly unimpressed. Call me when you’re willing to show some of that Artificial Emotion and Somber Personal Responsibility on behalf of the soldiers who have been shot in the face by enemy fire after your trumped-up bullshit that sent them to war.

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