Question of the Day

The Dark Wraith’s got a good post up at Big Brass Blog which is an interesting starting point for discussion, reminiscent of my recent lament that I was hardly considered a radical lefty not so long ago. DW asks:

Is it really—and I mean really—some "Leftist" position to demand a clear, hard, unyielding wall between church and state?

Is it truly some "Leftist" hyperbole to anticipate that a civil society will not prohibit contracts of union between people because of the particulars of their emotional and sexual relationships, relationships I might point out that otherwise comport in every way with the standards recognized and encouraged in such unions?

Is it honestly the exclusive domain of some diffuse and insufferable "Left" to anticipate the state in absolutely the most minimal ways possible directing the choices women make with regard to their internal biological processes?

How did it happen that it is the "Left" that finds reprehensible a conduct of foreign policy that uses systematic, sustained, and ultimately disastrous misrepresentations and miscalculations to take our nation to war?

What exactly is "Leftist" about demanding a law enforcement apparatus that does not have some "right" to use whatever means it can to promote public safety, but rather has the privilege to do so in a professional, disciplined manner where the rights of citizens permanently take precedence over any and all techniques officers of the law could employ?
His main point is this: We often note that the majority of Americans, when presented with questions on the issues not ideologically framed, agree with us on the issues. We, quite literally, represent the majority. Are we centrists who have been redefined by our opposition (and, perhaps, ourselves)?

Read the whole thing. What do you think?

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