Daley to GOP: Suck it.

My kind of town:

Thanks but no thanks.

That's Chicago's answer to an invitation to submit a bid to host the 2008 Republican National Convention.

The Republican National Committee said yesterday that Chicago and 30 other cities were selected to submit bids explaining why they'd be a good choice to host the 2008 convention.

But a spokeswoman for Mayor Richard Daley says City Hall isn't interested.
Oh, sure—they say it’s because they want to focus on their bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics, but it’s really because Daley has nothing but an unending reserve of contempt for the GOP. If the Bushes are the ultimate Republican clan, the Daleys are the ultimate Democrat clan (not to be mistaken for the Kennedys, who are the ultimate liberal clan)—and Daley ain’t gonna have no nasty GOP bullshit going on in the Windy City on his watch.

There’s only enough room for so much corruption in Chicago—and it’s the kind that makes a city work, not the kind that lets a city drown.

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