We Can Rebuild Him... We Have the Technology...

I just found it rather amusing that the AP felt it necessary to post a checklist of Dick Cheney's grabbers. Highlights:

A summary of Vice President Dick Cheney's medical problems:

_1978: Cheney's first heart attack, at age 37.

_1984: His second heart attack.

_1988: After suffering his third heart attack, Cheney had quadruple bypass surgery in August to clear clogged arteries.

_2000: Cheney suffered what doctors called a "very slight" heart attack, his fourth, and underwent an angioplasty to open a clogged artery.

_March 5, 2001: Just over 100 days later, Cheney felt chest pains and underwent another angioplasty to reopen the same artery.

No wonder Cheney is so incredibly cruel and nasty. This guy's spat in death's face so many times, I'm sure the fear of roasting in Hell has completely left him.

Bonus amusement: The photo accompanying the article.

Oh, this is the biggest one I've ever had! I'm comin', Elizabeth!

(You gotta wash your cross-post. [gee, will anyone get that reference?])

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