Study: College Students Can Find Arse With Map

The AP reports on yet another terrifying study of our educational system:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- More than half of students at four-year colleges -- and at least 75 percent at two-year colleges -- lack the literacy to handle complex, real-life tasks such as understanding credit card offers, a study found.

Uhuh, notoriously tricky, those credit card offers, nestled as they are between wave-particle duality and General Relativity on the spectrum of intellectual challanges. However it is not all bad news, since these same students do possess some skills:

they can do moderately challenging tasks, such as identifying a location on a map.
It is a testament to the current low ebb of our education system that, at the college level, the ability to identify someplace on a map can be described as “moderately challenging.” The situation is summed up nicely, I think, by the following quote from the study's director:

"It is kind of disturbing that a lot of folks are graduating with a degree and they're not going to be able to do those things," said Stephane Baldi, the study's director at the American Institutes for Research, a behavioral and social science research organization.

No shit.

Time to give the rubber stamp a well earned respite, methinks.

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