Question of the Day

What was the Best Popcorn Movie of 2005?

My vote would have to go to either Batman Begins or The 40-Year-Old Virgin, both of which I loved, but for entirely different reasons.

As an aside, Mr. Shakes and I don't buy each other Christmas presents, but instead see all the good films that come out in a cluster at the end of the year. So I finally saw King Kong yesterday, the first movie we've been to in ages, and it may have been the most dreadful movie-going experience we've ever had. There was a family who walked in right before the film started and parked it right behind us, then proceeded to talk nonstop through the entire fucking film, which is literally not an exaggeration. It was an ongoing conversation the entire time, and no amount of over-the-shoulder stink-eyes or shushing made a bit of difference. And, by the way, whoever decided popcorn was an appropriate snack for the movies needs to be shot.

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