News from Shakes Manor

Mr. Shakes: I like that picture of yoorself you chose for the bloog.

Shakes: Thanks. I thought it was funny how Paul and I have the same glasses, further illustrative of our PSYCHIC MIND MELD.

Mr. Shakes: You look like The Two Ronnies.

Shakes: What?

Mr. Shakes: Goo oon—do a search for The Two Ronnies. You’ll see what I mean.

Shakes does a search for The Two Ronnies and comes up with not only the above image, which was The Two Ronnies' "famous spectacles" logo, but also the following picture of The Two Ronnies, from an ancient British sketch comedy show, called, coincidentally enough, The Two Ronnies.


Shakes: You are such a cunt.


Shakes: I can’t believe you called us The Two Ronnies.

Mr. Shakes: Why noot? The resemblance is uncanny.

(I would have tried to fight off this brutal attack on our collective cuteness for longer, except I was falling out of my chair from laughing.)

Breaking News: Shakes and Spudsy get their own talk show!

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