I’m Jealous of Venezuela


Venezuela's top-selling toy this Christmas was an action doll figure of President Hugo Chavez.

Different versions of the doll include one in a combat uniform and one another which reads one of the president's anti-American speeches.

A spokesman for one of the country's leading toy shops told Estado de Sao Paulo: "It was amazing, the Hugo Chavez doll sold a lot more than Spiderman, Superman or any other toy this year.

"Our president really is our favourite hero!"
Dammit, I want a president who I so admire that I’d buy a doll of him giving speeches.

(“Anti-American speeches,” btw, is a bit harsh—and misleading. Chavez quite likes the American people, and, as has been widely reported, has sought to deliver low-cost oil to the poorest among us. Like many around the world, he makes a useful and gracious distinction between the American people and the American government, more so than we probably deserve anymore.)

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