GOP Governors Donating Abramoff Dosh

Mr. Fedora sure got around:

Days after calling on his party to exhibit higher ethical standards, Gov. Mitt Romney said the Republican Governors Association would donate to charity $500,000 in contributions it received from a donor entwined in the investigation of Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

Romney, a potential 2008 presidential candidate and the newly elected chairman of the RGA, said the association will give the money to American Red Cross chapters in five hurricane-ravaged states. The RGA had received donations in that amount in October 2002 from a public affairs company owned by Michael Scanlon, Abramoff's business partner.

"When influence peddling is alleged, a political institution like the Republican Governors Association wants to be above any possible shadow of complicity," the governor said Wednesday in an interview with The Associated Press.
One of my top-secret anonymous informants has told me that if this doesn’t work to stave off scandal, Romney plans to run out of a courtroom crying.

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