B Students

The doors have been thrown open to all of Shakes’ various guest posters for the next day or so, as The Two Ronnies (aka Spudsy and I) are going to B-Fest, a 24-hour marathon of B-movies, featuring such classics as Superman IV, Rhinestone, Earth Girls Are Easy, Cobra Woman, Creature from the Black Lagoon (in 3-D, bitches!), and Plan 9 from Outer Space. It’s like a 24-hour immersion in an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 as B-movie lovers gather in the darkness to holler their best bits of snark at the screen, while fighting off exhaustion, sore asses, and the urge to flee as the creeping realization that you’ve exchanged daylight and fresh air for 24 solid hours of recycled geek breath slowly washes over you.

We’ve got our bottles of water, our baby carrots, and our love of crap ready to go! Onward to B-Fest!!!

See you later—if our eyeballs haven’t fallen out…

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