wingnuttier than a fruitcake

Ever wonder just how weird things could get in Kansas? What could it be now, you ask? Bet you wouldn't guess fetus ornaments! Yes, that's right. Fetus. Ornaments. Check it out:

LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP) -- A Christmas tree that a pregnancy counseling organization provided to a women's fitness center prompted three people to cancel their memberships because the tree is decorated with plastic figures meant to represent fetuses.

Lorinda Hartzler, co-owner of Body Boutique, said that when Birthright of Lawrence asked about providing the tree it said it had no political agenda and wanted only to assist pregnant women in their decision-making process.

And you believed that? Seriously? I mean didn't you think something was up when the tree came like this:

The tree had about a dozen blue and pink stockings, each stuffed with a plastic figure and attached card that labeled the dolls as being "between 11 and 12 weeks old."

Coupons for Birthright videos, pamphlets and children's clothes were also in the tree. Coupons included savings on a video titled "After the Choice," another video showing abortion procedures and a brochure on emergency contraception known as the "morning-after pill."

Nothing says "Merry Christmas" like coupons for "abortion procedure videos".

Just what you want to see at your gym, isn't it?

(hat tip Pam, cross-posted at expostulation)

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