Stern on O’Reilly

So apparently, Bill O’Reilly is doing some three-part interview with Howard Stern, probably because O’Reilly is hoping some of Stern’s ratings rub off on him—and maybe a little of his ability to have fun, too. Or perhaps he was just hoping Stern could introduce him to someone who was into falafels. I dunno. Anyway, Media Matters has a partial transcript from part two, which is just hilarious. Aside from definitively proving O’Reilly is even more obsessed with lesbians than Stern, it also excerpts Stern telling O’Reilly his merchandise “looks like you emptied out a junkyard and slapped your name on everything,” asking “who's walking around with a Bill O'Reilly briefcase,” and telling O’Reilly he won’t wear the Factor jacket O’Reilly offered him, but will “give it to a crack whore.” Good lord, lol.

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