Frankly Speaking

Good characterization of the anti-gay crusaders who can’t give up the ghost in Massachusetts:

Massachusetss could face an "angry, divisive" fight if a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage reaches the 2008 state ballot, Rep. Barney Frank says.

The congressman blamed backers of the initiative petition for trying to provoke a new fight despite a lack of controversy over same-sex marriage.

"Basically, they're the disturbers of the civic peace," the Democrat said in a wide-ranging Associated Press interview Thursday. "We now have social peace in Massachusetts. They're the ones who want to stir it up ... This is a non-issue in Massachusetts."
That full marriage rights were extended to the LGBT community in Massachusetts, and the entire state didn’t immediately implode, is homobigot anti-marriage crusaders’ worst nightmare. God forbid there might be actual evidence (beyond common fucking sense) that legalizing gay marriage doesn’t immediately compel the Apocalypse.

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