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Dodgy kebab pain turns out to be baby

Coincidentally, I’ve had the pain caused by a dodgy kebab (is there any other kind in Britain?), and I thought I was about to give birth to an elephant. But it was just the kebab.

A woman who went to hospital fearing she had eaten a dodgy kebab was stunned when she gave birth.

Helen Smitham from Distington, Cumbria, had no idea she was pregnant when she felt stomach pain.

Her mum took her to hospital - and 60 seconds later shocked Helen gave birth to a 4lb 11oz boy.


Helen's boyfriend Mark Askew, 41, said: "She was at work until the Friday before Christmas and we'd gone out doing the normal things, like going for a drink, Christmas parties and socialising.

"When I got a call to say we had a baby boy it was amazing."
My mom knew she was pregnant when she went into labor with me, but thought she’d eaten bad fish for dinner, which was causing the stomach pain she was experiencing. She didn’t understand why my dad was fine, and she was in agony. It was just me, making my debut—and I’ve been giving her pain in another part of her anatomy ever since.

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