Who’s Your Daddy?

When it’s (allegedly) Tom Cruise, you know you’re in for a wild ride once you’re firmly ensconced in this mortal coil. Apparently, you’re also in for some seriously attentive parenting.

Tom Cruise has reportedly purchased an Ultrasound machine so that he can moniter his alien fetus anytime he wants. Katie Holmes isn't due until next year, but Tom wants to make sure that the new Prince of Scientology is safe at all times.

He also told Barbara Walters in an interview that the pair won't get married until after their alien is born. They are planning a summer/autumn wedding.

There's not going to be a wedding, is there? Once Katie gives birth to his alien spawn he will get rid of her! He will finally has the key to make him immortal!
Xenu doesn’t require human sacrifices, does he?

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