No, Really, Go For it... Knock Yourself Out...

Write this date down in stone... for once, I'm fully behind one of Bush's decisions.

Bush Aids GOP as Campaigner-In-Chief

Man, it was difficult to type that headline without putting quotation marks around the word Aids. (bolds mine)

PHOENIX - Despite his low standing in the polls, President Bush is working to help Republican House and Senate candidates build their campaign war chests while promoting his own troubled agenda.

The president is expected to assume the campaign role more often in the coming months as the 2006 congressional election year begins.

"I, fortunately, have had my fill of campaigns, but there's nothing like walking into a room full of enthusiastic supporters to give you that spirit, to kind of put that wind behind your back," the second-term president told about 1,300 people at a dinner fundraiser for GOP Sen. Jon Kyl (news, bio, voting record) in Phoenix on Monday.

This is really pathetic. First, to escape criticism and his own failures at home, he runs away for a "tour" of Asia (I wonder how much that little excursion cost us taxpayers?), and now he's out shaking his tin cup for the GOP. Bush is well-known for only appearing in front of audiences with 100% support. Now that his approval numbers are in the dumper, he completely abandons any pretense of getting any work done to improve the situation he and Cheny have created, and spends time moneygrubbing.

Because nothing soothes your pain like delicious applause from the people that think you're infallible.

Already this year, the president has campaigned for Republican Sens. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and Jim Talent of Missouri who are up for re-election next fall.

Brian Nick, a spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said the president plans to appear at events soon for Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele who is vying for that state's open Senate seat, and Rep. Mark Kennedy who is in the race for the open seat in Minnesota. Both seats are currently held by Democrats choosing not to run for re-election.

Go for it, Bush. No, seriously, please. Go ahead and fundraise for all of your cronies. Since this tactic has proven so successful in the past, there's nothing I'd love to see more than your dazzling presence effecting every election. And if you feel like a little nip before you speak (especially in front of cameras), by all means, indulge youself.

That 35 percent approval rating can only help these guys.

Keep it up. You're doing a heck of a job, Chimpy.

"The president looks forward to campaigning on behalf of those who support his agenda to make America stronger and safer," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Monday.

So do I, Scotty. So do I.

(Energy dome tips to Oliver and Monkeys for Helping. Near... far... wherever you cross-post...)

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