New Grand Jury for Fitzy

Oh boy:

Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said in court filings that the ongoing CIA leak investigation will involve proceedings before a new grand jury, a possible sign he could seek new charges in the case.

In filings obtained by Reuters on Friday, Fitzgerald said "the investigation is continuing" and that "the investigation will involve proceedings before a different grand jury than the grand jury which returned the indictment" against Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby.
Thanks to oddjob for the pointer.

And as an aside to all the rightwing dumbfucks who insist on warbling on about how Woodward’s admission undermines Fitzy’s case against Scooter: No, it doesn’t. If anything, it further contextualizes the obstruction charges; that is, Fitzy couldn’t get the whole story, because Scooter was being a pain in the ass. So seriously, for once, just shut the hell up.

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