I’m a Cult Classic

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Cult Classic

Quirky, offbeat, and even a little campy - your life appeals to a select few.
But if someone's obsessed with you, look out! Your fans are downright freaky.

Your best movie matches: Office Space, Showgirls, The Big Lebowski

Via Mannion, whose life is also a Cult Classic—and who doesn’t understand why Showgirls made the list. This is something I believe Paul the Spud is uniquely qualified to explain to him.

Although I love love love both Office Space and The Big Lebowski, and do have an ironic appreciation of the unmitigated awfulness of Showgirls (which is best viewed, like Mommie Dearest, in the company of devastatingly witty women and gay men), if I had to design my own list of cult classics that seemed better suited to represent the kind of film my life would be, I’d probably go with Harold and Maude, Henry Fool, and Welcome to the Dollhouse. Any misanthrope can appreciate Office Space, but it takes a special kind of schismatic to appreciate a line like, “Just because you're a faggot doesn't mean you're an asshole.”

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