Good Stuff from the Mailbag

Casey from Democracy Cell Project wants to know why Karl Rove still has security clearance. (See relevant Newsweek article here.)

Jennifer at intous passes along this article from the NY Times about a surging interest in Cinderella—with a twist. The Cinderella with whom most of us grew up (Grimm’s or Disney’s) was a rags-to-riches story about rewarding goodness and humility. The new Cinderella is all about the bling, baby.

Holly of Julien’s List passes on from MSNBC the disturbing results of a recent poll on sexual habits, or, as the case seems to be, the lack of habitual questioning of partners about their STD statuses. Scary stuff.

Shaker Nikki alerts us to this article in the LA Times that notes California voters narrowly favor banning abortions for minors without parental notification, on which they will vote via a ballot initiative next Tuesday. Also covered—reaction to two prescription-drug discount measures and an electricity proposal.

Shaker Kurt points out that the conservative site Newsmax is shilling for a book on liberal hypocrisy. If the author’s dead wrong, it’s worth checking out to see what some new conservative talking points will be. If the author’s right, it’s sad.

BradBlog’s on Dumbaugh’s case for lying (yet again) about the Plame investigation.

And Cernig from NewsHog is calling all pagans. He’s working on a new project and asks, “If you are a Wiccan yourself, or a pagan in general - or even non-pagan but with an opinion on the subject - I would love to hear your thoughts. In what ways might Wicca and neo-paganism in general affect politics and the world in the coming century?” Go help him out if you can.

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