Unfortunately, but not unsurprisingly, Texas voters passed a gay marriage ban. On the upside, Maine voters defeated a challenge to gay rights. And in one of my favorite stories, every incumbent pro-intelligent design-in-classrooms school board member in Dover, PA was ousted (via Atrios). Ha. Now that’s a mandate, bitches.
Reform initiative recap via Political Wire:
In California, all four of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s (R) “Year of Reform” ballot measures were defeated. The Los Angeles Times called the vote a "sharp repudiation" of the governor "that shattered his image as an agent of the popular will."Also, Bush is now officially a liability. Wave buh-bye to the rats, you sinking ship of a president.In Ohio, four reform ballot measures to change election laws and introduce non-partisan redistricting were soundly rejected. The Cleveland Plain Dealer says "an ambitious effort by opponents and widespread confusion over the complex issues combined to defeat the entire package."
In New York, voters rejected a proposal to give the legislature more power over designing the state’s budget. The New York Times reports the measure lost "by a wide margin."
In New Jersey, voters agreed to create a lieutenant governorship. The Newark Star Ledger notes the office will be official in 2010.
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