Did anyone else hear this?

So, Air America (WCPT in Chicago) came through for about five minutes on my car radio last night when I hopped in after class. (Seriously, CPT, get yourself a stronger signal.) Now, it may not have actually been "Air America," I think I heard an announcement about how AA actually is required to go off the air after sundown by the FCC (which may have been a joke, I'm not sure), but it was definitely the progressive radio station.

So, the host was railing away on Murtha. On Murtha! And here was his beef: That John Murtha voted against the Republican bastardization of his resolution to end the Iraq war.

His argument was something along the lines of "Why did he vote against this, when the Republicans were giving him exactly what he wanted?" He was completely missing the whole point.

So, a caller tried to correct him.

Remember, this is the progressive radio station.

The host went off on the caller; they got in a brief argument of semantics (You said he voted against his resolution! No, I said he voted against his proposal! No, your exact words were resolution! No, I said proposal! I have it here in front of me! No, you said... etc, etc), and then the host hung up on him. And called him a coward.

This is progressive radio?

Now, like I said, the station format may change at dusk; I may have been hearing a conservative show. But he did say that the station was "WCPT, Chicago's Progressive Talk."

Did anyone else hear this? And what are your thoughts?

(My name is cross-post, I live on the second floor...)

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