Why Marriage Matters

This morning, I’ve been spending some time with my nose in Why Marriage Matters: America, Equality, and Gay People’s Right to Marry by Evan Wolfson, which was given to me by Ms. Julien. It’s a really great book, and I can’t recommend it enough.

One of the things that annoys me the most about the fact that we can’t just sort this issue out already is that as long as the fight continues, there will continue to be a thriving anti-gay industry, as homobigots raise limitless sums of money on the cause of gay hatred. Infuriating. So much of the conservative “moral values” juggernaut is funded by exploitation of two issues: abortion and gay marriage. If you can see no other reason for the Democrats to unequivocally champion choice and marriage equality, here’s one: untouchable protection of both will severely limit the Right’s money-raising ability.

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