*Tumbleweed blows by*

I got a chuckle out of this. Lately, when I've posted on politics, I've been "mined" by Unpartisan.com, a site that (from what I can see; haven't poked around there too much) seems to automatically trackback blogs that post on a certain subject. They trackbacked my Rove post, and just curious, I went to go see what was being said. They have 3 columns on their pages: "From the Left," "From the Right," and "Related Articles."

So... on Turdblossom today:

From the Left? 16 Liberal blogs posting on Rove.

From the Right? Not a goddamned thing.

Does this mean the sinking ship is completely rid of rats?

(Lots of curves, you bet... even more, when you get, to the cross-post...)

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