Both the FBI and CIA are calling it the first case of espionage in the White House in modern history.Awesome. Good job with that whole security thing, Bush & pals, you idiots.
"I don't know of a case where the vetting broke down before and resulted in a spy being in the White House," said Richard Clarke, a former White House advisor who is now an ABC News consultant.
Federal investigators say [Leandro Aragoncillo, 46], a naturalized citizen from the Philippines, used his top secret clearance to steal classified intelligence documents from White House computers.
In 2000, Aragoncillo worked on the staff of then-Vice President Al Gore. When interviewed by Philippine television, he remarked how valued Philippine employees were at the White House.
"I think what they like most is our integrity and loyalty," Aragoncillo said.
Officials say the classified material, which Aragoncillo stole from [Cheney’s] office, included damaging dossiers on the president of the Philippines. He then passed those on to opposition politicians planning a coup in the Pacific nation.
Since [his arrest last year], officials say Aragoncillo has started to cooperate. He has admitted to spying while working on the staff of Vice President Cheney's office.
(Hat tip, AMERICAblog.)
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