
Congratulations to the White Sox for bringing home a championship to Chicago! This Cubs fan was with them all the way!

Awesome game last night. The Sox’s fielding was unbelievable, and after a season of grinding out so many one-run games, that they won the Series in a one-run game was just poetic.

How about Uribe diving into the stands and coming up with that catch? Fucking wow.

(AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

(As an aside, was anyone else annoyed by how, uh, white the coverage seemed to be last night? Live feed from Jimbo’s during the game, live feed from Bourbon Street after the game, Joe Buck warbling on about all the “Italian, Polish, Irish, and Greek” fans on the South Side… Um, how about a live feed from a bar on Stony Island? Is there some reason not to acknowledge the black population on Chicago’s South Side along with the rest of its residents? Comiskey Park (no, I will not call it US Cellular Field) is in a predominantly black neighborhood, for crying out loud. Shocking. The only black diehard Sox fan I saw, aside from a few faces in crowds on the street, was NBC's Warner Saunders, sitting at the anchor desk. It didn’t look like the Chicago I know.)

UPDATE: I forgot to mention...I was so irritated with the constant shots of George and Barbara Bush last night. Like I really want to keep seeing those old douchebags when I'm trying to watch a baseball game. I did love it, however, when they cut to footage of the Bushes reacting to Uribe's throw to first for the final out, and they looked all disappointed. Ha! Suck it, losers!

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