
Shaker Deborah reports: “CBS just did a televised special report that Scooter Libby will be indicted today. I believe it's on perjury & obstruction at this point. No word on all the others just yet.”

From the AP wire just now: “Karl Rove won't be indicted Friday as prosecutors and his lawyers try to resolve questions in the CIA leak investigation, two people close to Rove told The Associated Press. The White House, however, still braced for an indictment against another top aide. In discussions Thursday, Rove's lawyer was told by Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's office that investigators have not resolved all their questions about his conduct in the case and they will continue investigating, the people said, speaking only on condition of anonymity because of grand jury secrecy.”

Reuters also confirms it appears likely Libby will be indicted today but Rove will not.

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