You Can't See It...

...but I'm doing that "rubbing two fingers together representing the smallest violin in the world" thing.

It would appear that Bush has finally been pushed into putting in *gasp* a full work day. I have to say, I feel for his staff. He's probably missing his daily afternoon nappy-poo, and you know how cranky he gets when he's tired.

Bush Balancing Agenda with Storm Response

See if you can read this without welling up with tears:

President Bush is balancing a harried schedule of diplomatic duties — from Iraq to China and the United Nations — while working to stay on top of hurricane recovery efforts that most Americans say should be his No. 1 priority.

"I can do more than one thing at one time," the president assured Monday on the first of two planned visits this week to the Gulf Coast. He's fitting those in between meetings with world leaders who came to the United States for a gathering of the United Nations in New York

My heart bleeds for him. He's actually being forced to do the daily duties of a President! How tuckered out he must be. I'm sure he's glad he got that huge vacation in; he's going to need that energy to make it through an 8 hour work day.

Here's the kicker (Bold mine):

But Americans seem to have shifted their focus away from Iraq and terrorist threats to problems at home. For the first time since the terrorist attacks on the U.S. four years ago, a majority of Americans responding to a poll by the Pew Research Center last week said it is more important for the president to focus on domestic policy than the war on terrorism.

Or, "Americans finally woke up to the fact that the WOT is all smokescreen and mirrors, and was simply a pack of lies to get the Child-in-Chief re-elected. After Hurricane Katrina showed them that the Department of Homeland Security hasn't done a damn thing to keep them more secure, and that an actual attack on American soil would leave the Government that pledged to protect them impotent and reeling, Americans finally shook off their apathy and began to demand that their President concentrate on the needs of his citizens, rather than the salad dressing at his next fund raiser."

Uh, well, that's what I would have written.

The president sharply disputed suggestions on Monday that the military is stretched too thin to help Iraq and the Gulf Coast rebuild.

"We've got plenty of troops to do both," Bush said after his first on-the-ground tour of cleanup efforts in the streets of New Orleans. "It is preposterous to claim that the engagement in Iraq meant there wasn't enough troops here, just pure and simple."

Oblivious, In Denial, Dangerous. The one thing Bush should have learned from his hurricane lesson is that all the swagger and bluster in the world will not make fantasy into reality. *cough*WMDs*cough* The fact is, and this has been said time and again, that there are not enough troops in Iraq to get the job done, let alone at home to deal with disasters like this. Insisting that we have enough troops is just so much pissing in the wind. Someone's getting a little touchy:

"By the time I'm finished (being) president, I hope you'll realize that the government can do more than one thing at one time and individuals in the government can," Bush told reporters Monday as he wrapped up a tour of New Orleans and Gulfport, Miss. "If I'm focusing on the hurricane, I've got the capacity to focus on foreign policy and vice versa."

Yeah? Prove it. You've shown us is that you have the capacity to blink like a deer in the headlights when danger threatens America. You've shown us that your only response to a national disaster is to look out for your own self-interests. You've shown us that your capacity to fail at yet another job is simply limitless.

No nap for you! Three years!

(Believe it or not, cross-post isn't at home...)

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