Wow, Our Money Sure is Gay

Coming soon to a bank near you:

$10 Bill Gets a Colorful Makevoer

WASHINGTON - The color of money is getting more varied. A newly designed $10 bill was unveiled Wednesday featuring splashes of orange, yellow and red to go with the traditional green.

The $10 bill note became the third bill denomination to be jazzed up with colors as part of the government's effort to thwart counterfeiters and the ever-more sophisticated devices at their disposal.

"Thanks to the changes we've made in currency design, thanks to aggressive law enforcement led by the U.S. Secret Service and thanks to an informed public, we've been able to stay ahead of the counterfeiters," Treasury Secretary John Snow said during the unveiling ceremony on Ellis Island in New York harbor.

Coming sometime next week everywhere: The new counterfit $10 bill.

(Come on, what did it take after the new twenty? A month?)

(The best cross-posts in life are free...)

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