Promoting his new book in Michigan, Newt Gingrich (R) "discussed a possible run for president in 2008, saying health care and government modernization are the pillars of his program," the AP reports.Dems, get on healthcare big time. It’s a liberal issue, and to get done right, it has to be.
Said the former Speaker: "If I'm potentially going to run, I have to get my message out, and if it works and five others pick it up, I won't run. If the message doesn't work, I won't run. But if the message works and nobody picks it up, I'll run."
Now, I don’t know if “government modernization” is some code phrase for an evil scheme, since I don’t speak Republicanese, but whatever the hell it means, someone, anyone, just steal it, so this douche doesn’t run.
Seriously, I cannot take it if this bozo’s ugly mug and idiotic name is all over the airwaves again.
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