(This post will stay at the top for awhile; new posts below.)
Well, all the joy I felt yesterday has evaporated in record time. Last night, Mr. Shakes and I got a notice that our property tax had been increased 100% on our matchbox of a house, and effectively immediately, our monthly payments would be increased by 20%. Then this morning, I got laid off. Wish we didn’t have to, feel terrible, no money and all that.
So, I’m pretty desperate at the moment, and although I hate to do this, I’m asking for donations. If you like Shakespeare’s Sister and if you can afford to, I’d appreciate it if you could help out, because now this is the only job I’ve got.
There are links to PayPal and Amazon in the lefthand sidebar.
And if you’re in Chicago and know of any openings, I’m available!
UPDATE: A couple of people have asked to see my résumé to get a feel for what I do, so I've put it online, with contact information and company names blacked out.
Those who have asked me to email it, I'll email the unedited version. Thank you all so much for your support. It really means more than I can say.
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