Nohbodee Lookink?

Distractions are fun. Like judges and wildfires and hurricanes. They let you veto stuff on the sly.

SACRAMENTO, Calif, - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger followed through Thursday on his promise to veto a bill to legalize same-sex marriage, leaving the issue up to voters or judges who will likely face the volatile issue in the next year.

"This bill simply adds confusion to a constitutional issue," the Republican governor said in a veto message.

Schwarzenegger had announced his intention on Sept. 7, a day after the Legislature became the first in the country to approve a bill allowing gays and lesbians to wed.


"He cannot claim to support fair and equal legal protection for same-sex couples and veto the very bill that would have provided it to them," Leno said. "Words are cheap. We're looking for action. We're looking for leadership."

In his veto message, Schwarzenegger said he supports the state's domestic partner laws, which give same-sex couples most of the rights and obligations of married couples, and would oppose efforts to overturn or weaken those statutes.

Thanks for nothing, Gropenator. You took the coward's way out, like a true Republican "leader." Bravo. Well, I suppose I should thank you for the money you'll save me... now that I won't waste a dime of my money on any "creative output" you "work" on in the future.

But, Paul! I'm all wet and soapy!

And don't try and seduce me, Mrs. Robinson. I look forward to the day when you're out of office and finding ways to stay busy.

UPDATE: More on Arnie gettin' swishy at Alternate Brain. (Thanks, Gordon!)

(Energy dome tip to August. Roll out the cross-posts, we'll have a barrel of fun...)

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