My favorite Rehnquist quote so far

Via Xoverboard.

Rehnquist is dead. I only found this out Sunday afternoon, but it explained why on Saturday night a vast purple cone of plasmatic energy evacuated itself from the Washington Mall and dissapated across the sky, which burned with the fires of all Hell for fifteen seconds and then begat silence. His body will lie in state at the Supreme Court until Wednesday if you're interested in prodding it with a stick. Meanwhile, at the National Gallery of Art a painting of Vigo the Carpathian has suddenly appeared, softly beckoning for a new host body.

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Now we all know why we're "drippings with goo."

Update: August also had a post linking to a brilliant plan by Tom over at The Funny Farm:

We were also wondering if anyone else thought about at least temporarily (cough) relocating some of the victims of the NOLA disaster to a certain ranch that has just been vacated? It certainly seems to be rather large - maybe you could build a few shotgun shacks on approximately two and a half square miles?

Of course, that would be scary, because they might not want to leave!

(Who you gonna call? Crossposters!)

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