M-m-m-my Sirota!

David Sirota wants to know: On Roberts, Who is More Pathetic: The Media or the Democrats?
[Y]ou might not know about Roberts' extreme positions both because of the sad state of American journalism, and the sad state of the Democratic Party. Both of these big players have largely given Roberts a pass on these questions and billed him as a "moderate" because he is a smooth-talking, upper-class-emanating, Chamber of Commerce-oozing corporate lawyer from the Washington, D.C. suburbs, who really does have such a nice smile and such a gosh darn nice all-American family and boy is he just so smart and well-spoken...have you vomited yet? Probably.

But even after you think you have choked on that last stubborn chunk of regurgitated bile caught in your esophagus, the nauseating declarations just don't stop, do they? As anyone who has paid even a bit of attention knows, most analysis of Roberts - by both reporters and Democrats - continues to incessantly stress (as if some sort of repetitive torture) how Roberts' "intellect" is unsurpassed, how he supposedly has "impeccable" credentials, and how cordial he is in person - as if the qualifications for assuming the most powerful legal position in America is being a nice, smart careerist, no matter how extreme one's positions are.


Beyond the sheer gutlessness of all of this is the incredible fact that these same Democratic "strategists" who have run the party into the ground actually have the gall to tell reporters and the public they are "strategists" instead of simply rewriting their business cards to say "professional election losers" or "party destroyers." Remember, these are the self-important, first-ones-to-tell-you-how-smart-they-really-are dolts whose legacy is a Democratic Party that continues to lose elections, and a Democratic Party that has no official position on Iraq, energy, bankruptcy, trade, repealing the Bush tax cuts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, and now the Supreme Court.
There’s more. Oh so much more.

My Sirota concludes that it is, in fact, the Dems who are more pathetic. I’m not so sure that the media and the Dems haven’t just morphed into one giant snake-eating-its-tail of pathos. Although, considering I expect the Dems to represent Democratic interests (even if that is, pathetically, simply not GOP interests), I feel more let down by them than the media, on whom I gave up long ago to represent any interests but their own.

The question I have is whether anyone’s checked Bob Shrum’s phone records to see if he’s receiving calls from Karl Rove regularly. At this point, the only fathomable explanation for Democratic “strategists” (whose only discernible strategy is helping the opposition) is that they’re on the GOP’s payroll.

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