Katrina News Thread

I'm going to leave this post at the top for awhile, because we're all finding interesting and important things to share about what's going on, and I haven't provided a good place for all of them. So here it is. Leave links to blog entries, news stories, comments, charities, anything and everything. And/or comments.

New posts below.

Update: And please click on the ad to the right to donate.

"Hurricane Katrina has devastated thousands of lives. Today, we're announcing a coordinated effort by the liberal/progressive blogosphere to help the victims of the devastation. Together, we're going to raise $1 million for the American Red Cross - and prove that the liberal blogosphere can help our fellow citizens in need. Make a donation for hurricane relief.

All of the proceeds will be sent to the Red Cross. Donations are being tracked by Drop Cash. Transactions are secured through Paypal. You can be certain that your contribution will be secure, for a good cause, and people will know it came from the liberal blogosphere."

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