
Remember Paul Hackett, the Iraq Veteran who ran for and nearly won a special election for a congressional seat in Ohio earlier this year? Well…
Ohio may be in for its liveliest U.S. Senate race in a long time.

Though many Democrats were dis appointed when established elected officials like Reps. Sherrod Brown, Ted Strickland and Tim Ryan decided to forgo a Senate run next year, an even more interesting prospect ap pears to be gearing up to challenge Republican Sen. Mike DeWine's bid for a third term.

Paul Hackett…has all but decided to take on DeWine, sources in Washington and Ohio say.


In his congressional race, Hackett's ferocious criticism of Bush made him a darling of liberal bloggers, who inspired donors nationwide to pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into his campaign. Hackett at various points called Bush a "chicken hawk" and a "son of a bitch."
Damn straight. Go get ’em, soldier.

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