Great Day for Accountability

Yesterday, the GOP not only killed a bid for a 9/11-style independent, bipartisan commission to investigate what went wrong with the government’s response to Katrina, but also blocked Democrat-backed resolutions that would have compelled Bush & Co. to turn over records relating to the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame.

This is why I think the whole “give ’em enough rope to hang themselves” passivity is a bad idea. It just doesn’t work, because the Dems don’t have enough power and the GOP refuses to hang anyone who’s got an R after his or her name, no matter how corrupt or dangerous. Does the average voter even know that the GOP pulled this shit? If they do, will they remember come midterm elections? I don’t know if there’s even enough rope in the world to hang these criminals.
In the nation’s capitol today, the GOP introduced and quickly passed legislation requiring a steep luxury tax on rope, which co-sponsor of the bill Senator Bill Frist hailed as a bipartisan victory, having garnered the support of Demoratic Senators Joe Lieberman and Joe Biden.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi immediately issued a statement in response to the legislation. “Gee, that’s not very nice,” it said. Her Sentate counterpart, Harry Reid, noted that giving the GOP additional rope would now be much more difficult for the Democrats, and they would proceed judiciously.

DNC Chairman Howard Dean also weighed in, going red-faced as he lambasted Congressional Democrats as “spineless twits who need to buy some [fudging] balls.” Senators John Kerry, John Edwards, and Hillary Clinton immediately condemned Dean’s comments, noting that he doesn’t speak for the entirety of the party, “and should probably be shot,” according to Clinton.

Senator Edward Kennedy was quoted as saying, “I need a damn drink.”
Okay, that’s not really in a story anywhere. It just seems like it should be.

Please, can we start playing hardball now?

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