Friday Night Name That Movie

Okay, we haven’t done this in awhile, but it’s always fun when we do, and we all need a little fun tonight, right? I do, anyway. So, here goes (and there’s no theme this time, other than that they’re some of my favorite films—no cheating now!):

1. I don't want this guy taking you to some sketchy quarry in the middle of Newark to find crack whores huffing turpentine or pit bulls raping each other or whatever else is down here!

2. I'm nice, I really am, apart from my terrible taste in pie.

3. How the hell do I know why there were Nazis? I don't know how the can opener works!

4. Laugh it up, fuzzball.

5. I didn't ask for a shrink; that must've been somebody else. Also, that pudding isn't mine. Also, I'm wearing this suit today because I had a very important meeting this morning and I don't have a crying problem.

6. Vice, virtue…it's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality.

7. How could I forget about you? You're the only person I know.

8. I spent like three hours doing the shading on the upper lip—it's probably the best drawing I've ever done.

9. You show me how to control a wild fucking gypsy and I'll show you how to control an unhinged, pig-feeding gangster.

10. We've got chicken tonight. Strangest damn things. They're man made. Little damn things. Smaller than my fist.

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