Apropos of Billmon’s post to which I linked earlier today, I understand the struggle to decide whether it’s both wiser and more ethical to stay in Iraq and finish what we started no matter what, or bring the troops home and put an end to our role in this disaster. Really, the only way I’ve found to help me sort it out for myself is answering the question: Are we making things better, or making things worse? Not being an expert on these matters, I have to rely on the assessments of those who are, and so I direct you to Juan Cole, who argues that yes, indeed, “the presence of the US ground troops is making things worse, not better.”
The Heretik notes, “WE DROWN IN MORAL QUICKSAND, our leaders convinced we can still build democratic sandcastles in the raging surf,” and offers an excellent round-up of others writing on the same topic.
I did not support the war, but once we were there, I hoped the Bush administration could make a success of it, and I held out hope that perhaps out of madness could come peace. Now I am resigned to the notion that no good can come of our staying in Iraq. I feel no joy in taking this position; I feel sad and defeated and so, so sorry for the mess we have made and the lives that have been lost. I know more will be lost if we leave, but staying will not prevent it either, and that is the great tragedy of this endeavor. We simply cannot win.
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