The Amazing Fristini, Part 2

I think the Amazing Fristini might need to do the old disappearing act pretty soon, if he doesn’t want to end up doing the old be-your-cellmate’s-bitch act. Ol Cranky reports: “Wow, the feds actually issued a subpoena to HCA related to an investigation of Bill Frist's order to unload HCA stock holdings.” We shan’t hold our collective breath that Frist will get the Big Boot of Justice firmly implanted upon his skinny behind, of course, because he’s a GOP tool (in addition to being just generally a tool), and because of the convoluted relationship between Frist and HCA, as the Dark Wraith explains. Nonetheless, I’ll give the Wraith the last word on this one, as his sentiment has the appropriate tone for the circumstance: “Whether or not Mr. Frist was privy to and used insider information prior to its public promulgation is unknown; but it is clear that those who remained shareholders of the corporation subsequent to the disposition of HCA stock by the WH Frist 2000 Qualified Blind Trust suffered losses that Mr. Frist, his wife, and his children did not.” You be da judge.

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