
Just got off a conference call with Cindy Sheehan and various other bloggers, organized by Joe Trippi,, and Code Pink (I don’t think I missed anybody). The call started with Cindy talking about what the past few days have been like and thanked everyone profusely for all their support. She said she never thought that one person could make a difference, but that one person with a million people supporting them certainly can. She also talked about the power of the internet and said that if it weren’t for our ability to share the truth across the internet, we might well already be living in a fascist state.

After that, it was opened up for questions, and unfortunately, I couldn’t stay through the whole thing (since I’m at work), but during the Q&A, Illinois Representative Jan Schakowsky, came on the line to give Cindy her support, let her know that she was doing everything she could in Congress to pursue accountability, and remind her that her son didn’t die in vain—that Casey might have died so his mother could stop the war.

I can imagine it doesn’t come across in the writing of it, but it was incredibly moving. Listening to Cindy and Jan talk, giving each other words of support and encouragement, and knowing I was one of many people who were sharing in such a powerful moment, I felt very lucky to be in such fine company.

And I felt proud to be a part of saving this country. And make no mistake, that’s what we’re doing. When our president refuses to meet with one of the people who he serves, dismissing her like a king dismisses a subject, while his media whores impugn her character, our country is in need of saving.

Keep writing. Keep celebrating Cindy’s pursuit of justice. She is a true American hero.

(The call will later be made available for podcast.)

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