US Navy Attacked

Oh boy:
Attackers fired at least three rockets from Jordan early Friday, with one narrowly missing a docked U.S. Navy ship and killing a Jordanian soldier. It was the most serious militant attack on the Navy since the USS Cole was bombed in 2000.

Another rocket fell close to a nearby airport in neighboring Israel, officials said. Jordanian and Israeli authorities said militants fired three Katyusha rockets from a warehouse in the Jordanian Red Sea port of Aqaba.

A group linked to al-Qaida claimed responsibility in an Internet statement. The statement purportedly from the Abdullah Azzam Brigades could not immediately be verified.
Don’t know what to say about this, really, except that Jordan’s on the shitlist of groups like al-Qaida because of their peace agreement with Israel and US-friendly government. Also, the Cole was attacked by suicide bombers, and 17 soldiers were killed, but this time, they attacked in a way that seems closer to what we’d regard as traditional warfare, and luckily, not as many lives were lost.

(I’m thinking oil prices might rise again because of this, too.)

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