That’s Why They Call Him the King, Baby

King of Zembla’s covering two really important issues that I highly recommend you check out. First is a story about reports that National Guard units in multiple states may have formed secret domestic surveillance units similar to the one that was recently exposed as part of California’s National Guard. If such a program was surreptitiously started after 9/11, it could violate the federal statute that prevents domestic surveillance by any agency aside from the FBI, and only then with demonstrable cause. This is a very troubling development indeed.

Secondly, the esteemed Simbaud looks at more information being released about potential vote fraud in the 2004 election. Yeesh.

So, how free you feeling today, Shakers? Domestic spies, rigged elections… I sure hope when President Bush is through spreading freedom all over the rest of the world, he’s got enough left in the tub to give us a schmear, too.

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